We are pleased to announce the upcoming 22nd IIM Meeting, to be held in Assisi (Italy) from 11 to 14 September 2025.
Join us and meet scientists whose outstanding studies are defining the state of the art in the Myology field!
The IIM meeting brings together scientists from across the world involved in Myology research and offers the opportunity to share results and opinions and to discuss the most recent discoveries in the field. Thanks to its residential formula, the meeting favors interactions and fosters new collaborations between scientists, clinicians, and patient representatives.
The meeting is open to all researchers from Italy and abroad and will include a full range of academic sessions covering all aspects of Myology, plenary lectures, poster sessions, and social/cultural events.
Scientific topics
Keynote Speakers
Giulio Cossu
University of Manchester, UK
San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
Karyn Esser
University of Florida
Gainesville, USA
Marika Pane
Università Cattolica
Rome, Italy
Markus Rüegg
University of Basel
Basel, Switzerland
The vast majority of the talks will be selected among the abstracts received; all other participants will be able to showcase their work through poster presentations during the dedicated sessions.
Presentation of unpublished results is welcome and represents an additional value characterizing the IIM meetings. Only abstracts with the authors' approval will be published in the Abstract book or as proceedings in a scientific journal.
Young researchers are encouraged to apply to the 7th high training course in Advanced Myology Update, which includes the whole IIM meeting and is managed by the University of Perugia in collaboration with the IIM. In addition to the meeting activities, the course offers dedicated roundtables and dedicated lessons given by the Invited Speakers on the morning of September 11. The course is reserved for trainees who will be under 35 years old at the date of the meeting, and it will represent a special event in which young researchers will have the opportunity to talk with prestigious scientists in a friendly and informal setting during the sessions and at lunch. Participants will receive a high training certificate useful to improve their CVs. Application to the course in Advanced Myology Update can be submitted only through the dedicated UniPG website, which will be available at the time of the call.
Assisi is always an amazing location in the green heart of Italy, and a place rich in culture, history, and mysticism. September is a wonderful time to enjoy science, culture, wine, and food in the wonderful land of Umbria. The meeting also includes a guided tour and dinner in a fascinating neighboring place.
We look forward to welcoming you warmly to the 22nd IIM Meeting!!
The IIM Scientific Committee
and the Young IIM Committee